<aside> <img src="/icons/reorder_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/reorder_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Homepage | Blog | Projects | About Me |


<aside> 🤖 I am currently a undergraduate student of BIT(Beijing Institute of Technology, China), majoring in mechatronics, and will continue studying at BIT as a graduate. I am interested in robotics, especially AI with robotics. Right now, my research centers on controlling legged robots by DRL(Deep Reinforcement Learning).



<aside> 🏃 Except for robotics, personally, I am keen on long-distance running, ranging from 5000 to half-marathon, and I was a member of BIT’s qingteng(青藤) track club. It is remarkable that I have lost about 30kg of weight through running, from about 100kg to 70kg or so. Below is the comparison of 2020(left) and 2023(right).



<aside> 🎶 In addition to the above, I also love Japanese anime and JPOP. My favorite singers include milet, Aimer, KingGnu and 米津玄師(よねづ けんし)

My Favorite song till now is 地球儀 by 米津玄師


<aside> 📜 Here is my CV

